Monday, March 28, 2011

Post 1: Spring 2011

Hello All,

For this post, describe one mistake you have made in your life. The mistake could be significant or minor; it's up to you.

For example, I failed my first driving test: on the three-point turn, I backed into the curb, and the DMV evaluator said, "That's it. You've just failed the test; you might as well turn around and go back now." In retrospect, it's true that I wasn't a very good driver, but the three-point turns were the least of my driving deficiencies . . . Hopefully, I'm better now.


Anonymous said...

One of the billions mistakes i have done in life is locking my car with the key still inside.

Unknown said...

One day I was in high school and just brought these new jeans with this fresh white T shirt. Come to find out our hallways just got painted at school and I'm leaning against the wall talking to my girlfriend at the time acting all cool and when I moved I had paint all down my back and all over the back off my jeans. smh!

--H Ellis

Anonymous said...

One mistake I have made is eating Pizza that is cold. I don't care what anybody says, Pizza is better when heated!

- G. McDaniel

Anonymous said...

I have done many mistakes in my life, but one mistake that haunted me for awhile was not reading the textbook assigned for a particular course and due to that mistake my g.p.a. dropped---this class was the only class that counted towards my g.p.a.

--B. Dominguez

Noreida said...

A mistake that I did was this spring break. I screamed at my mom, when all she was doing was reminding me to do my fafsa for the upcoming quarter. I realized that it was wrong, because she was trying to keep me in mind to do the fafsa.

-N. Iniguez

Anonymous said...

I've always been a planner. When things don't go the way I planned, I don't like it and I try and mold it into what I want it to be. The biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life was withdrawing from UC Santa Barbara. I wasn't used to the environment and atmosphere of the school... I know I could have adjusted... Once I got sick (nerve damage), I decided to come home and not return... Now, I realize how much I miss UCSB... It was a beautiful place to learn and a beautiful place to be. I plan on returning. I didn't work that hard to leave it in the past.
-L. Orozco

Anonymous said...

A few years ago, I was so angry and frustrated with my current situation, so I slammed my phone on the floor. It obviously broke. My dad, the provider of the cell phone, refused to provide another for a while.. After a painfully, annoyingly lecture; that I deserved, I suppose.

s_santos807 said...

So apparently, just a few seconds ago I made another mistake. I forgot to sign the comment I had just posted. The broken cellphone comment was also mine.

-S. Santos

Anonymous said...

One mistake that I've done was ignoring to talk to a friend of mine because she was having so many stress in her life that I should of at least talked to her or gave her some advice, but I thought that I'm would be like bugging her.

-C. Buccat

Anonymous said...

One of the mistakes I made was coming to CSUB. I should've went out of town.

--Y Clay

Anonymous said...

one mistake i made yesterday, was thinking that this quarter was going to be any different.It's already overwhelming so here comes another three months of stress.

-v Nard

Anonymous said...

I made a mistake when I tryed to enroll for classes a week later. All the classes had a waiting list.

-E. Figueroa

Anonymous said...

One mistake I have made in my life is that I never got along with my sister. Next month she is getting married and she’s going to move in with her husband. So I wish we would have gotten along sooner.
-S Ornelas

Anonymous said...

One of the longest lasting mistake I made was listening and doing what others wanted for me and not what I wanted. Eventually I lost what I really needed; my true happiness.

--N. Flores

Anonymous said...

I failed the driving test twice, the first time for not be patient in respecting the right-of-way of a vehicle, the second time for being too patient waiting for a vehicle. Biggest mistake I ever made, especially because I'm a pretty good driver,

I. Matip

Anonymous said...

One mistake i made in my life is that I left my back gate open while I was inside which lead my bulldog to escape and was never to be found.

Anonymous said...

the comment of the bulldog leaving
is a post from

Brian E.

Unknown said...

I made the mistake of focusing on my social life, rather than my education. BIG MISTAKE!!

Anonymous said...

One day my family and I went to the beach. My dad loves scaring all of us while on the peer, pretending he'll throw us over. It's childish, yet it frightens me. So I figured if I pretend i'm texting he won't pick me up because I might drop it. My idea failed. He grabbed me and as I was tugging and pulling away, my phone went flying into the ocean. It was my first day with it. Now my phone stays in the car.

-- S. Morales

Unknown said...

One of the mistakes that sticks out in my mind was the one time I let a buddy convince me that he was fine to drive after we had been out drinking. I failed as a friend to take his keys away from him, though he didn't get into an accident and hurt someone, he did get pulled over for DUI. I still feel responsible for it, and have since learned my lesson and refuse to let any of my friends talk me into letting them drive themselves after being out drinking. Yes, it has led to some hurt feelings and black eyes, but no one has gotten into a drunk driving accident or received a DUI since.

--F. Soza

Anonymous said...

I almost burned down my kitchen because I was so entertained with the television that I forgot I had food on the stove. It was a mistake that will not happen again.


Uber said...

One mistkae I have made is that I left my car keys inside my trunck, when I was trying to get some books.

- U.Garcia Jr

Anonymous said...

A mistake I will never forget is when I poured out my true feelings in a text message and sent it to the wrong person. I said some really deep confidential things, so I was really embarrassed.


Anonymous said...

One mistake that I did was to sleep in and miss class.

-M. Gomez

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest mistakes I've made is thinking I could pay for college without getting a loan.

Curtis Fago

Anonymous said...

One mistake that i am very unhappy about was that i didn't do my ALEKS homework for chemistry and ended up failing the class because of it.

-R. Duran

Anonymous said...

A mistake that I make every quarter is making myself a very strong coffee during midterms and finals. I hardly drink coffee, but when I do , it effects me in a good way at frist by making me focused but by the time Im taking the exam, I get Anxious and cannot focus anymore!

-K. Hussin

Anonymous said...

I've made many mistakes, but my biggest regret has to be my entire attitude in high school. I had the "just do what it takes to get by" attitude and now I'm at CSUB, instead of Cal Poly or UCSD.

J. Wolfenstein

walstib said...

My most recent mistake was forgetting to call my 2nd mom when I was in Bishop this past weekend. She's going to chew on me awhile for that one. Best to lead with flowers as a 'sorry.'

Anonymous said...

One mistake that i have done was in high school in which for some of my classes i waited for the last minute to do some of my important work so my grades suffered because of it.
-R Mendoza

Anonymous said...

In high school I failed to do many of my homework, so in most of my classes I had failing grades. Now I regret doing so, but i'm learning from my mistakes.

Christina Cecil said...

One mistake I have made was locking myself out of the house with my keys in the house.

Anonymous said...

I failed to fill up my tank of gas and as a result I ran out of gas in the middle of Bakersfield and McFarland.

Erika Perez said...

One time that i failed was when i was taking a test for pre-cal. this was very hard for me because i was always a straight A student. I never showed my parents this grade, but if i did they would be disappointed. I eventually received an B in the class so i guess it was alright.

Anonymous said...

one of the biggest mistakes in my life was shaving my head because I made a bet and lost.
-Fernando Barrios english 110 at 9:30am

Anonymous said...

One miskate that i constenly do is speak befor i think. I always say the wrong thing at the worng time i alway tend to speek my mind. It's like a natural refex. As a child my mother used to tell me if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Yea, she got that from Babi the dear movie. In my mind it does not sound bad, but right when it leaves my lips i know i should have not said it.

Anonymous said...

I failed to fill up my tank of gas and as a result I ran out of gas in the middle of Bakersfield and McFarland.

-Roberto Picos

Anonymous said...

I have made a few mistakes in my life. One of the biggest mistatkes was when i forgot to enter my info on a scantron and received no credit.

-Eduardo Torres

Anonymous said...

In high school I failed to do many of my homework, so in most of my classes I had failing grades. Now I regret doing so, but I'm learning from my mistakes.


Anonymous said...

One of billions mistakes i have done in life is locking my car with they keys still inside the car.

Emanuel Garcia

Anonymous said...

Mistakes that are most common for me is waiting to the last minute to do big assignments. I always regret it after because my grade isn't so good.

Unknown said...

One of the mistakes that I made was wetting my hair and then going out into the rain. The rainy breezy weather, mixed with my damp hair was not a good combination because shortly after that I got sick.


Anonymous said...

One miskate that i constenly do is speak befor i think. I always say the wrong thing at the worng time i alway tend to speek my mind. It's like a natural refex. As a child my mother used to tell me if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Yea, she got that from Babi the dear movie. In my mind it does not sound bad, but right when it leaves my lips i know i should have not said it.

-Gladys Mayra Delgado English 110

Anonymous said...

I have had a ton of mistakes in my life thus far. One of my many mistakes is yelling and screaming to my mom about taking my phone and forcefully not giving it to her. So the next day she turned it off and kept it off for two weeeks.

-M. McKenney

Anonymous said...

In my senior English class we were talking about a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers called Slow Cheetah. She asked us about the line "she bought it with her pay" and what it means. I thought it was about the young girl paying for plastic surgery, but it was actually about the girl buying cocaine.

-Dominica Martinez

Anonymous said...

The most common mistake I always regret making is waiting the night before to do a big assignment. It usually results to a bad grade.

--E. Vizcarra

walstib said...

The most recent mistake I made was not to call my 2nd mom when I was in Bishop this past weekend.

--Laura Niederauer

Unknown said...

One time when Iwas 18 years old I went credit card happy and got really into debt, so my dad had to take away all my credit cards and pay off my debt, then a year later i was in his office and i came accross my credit cards and i started charging them back up again. Then i was in debt AGAIN! This time I had to pay back all my debt myself:(!!

Michelle Macias

Anonymous said...

One mistake I had made was when I was in High School. In my Spanish class we had to read a book, but I did not read it. Therefore, I failed the test.


Anonymous said...

One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made was when I missed a race at one of the biggest swim meets of the season. I was warming up in the another pool that was kind of far away from the competition pool. During my actual warm up, the race took off without me. This caused my coach is take my out of the meet entirely.

--T. Lovett

Anonymous said...

a mistake i have made numerous times is waking up in the morning to an alarm clock, turning it off and going back to bed. Making me late to class or practice.

-- B. Martinez

Anonymous said...

One of the most recent mistakes Ive done is not turning in my rented textbooks on time. Now i have to pay for books i dont need and will never use again! :/

Anonymous said...

Forgot to write this comment yesterday.

-Eduardo Figueroa

Anonymous said...

I have made many mistakes in my life, one of them was forgetting to post this blog...

---Maria Bravo

Anonymous said...

One mistake i did in life was to forget my soccer bag and mist my final game.

Anonymous said...

One mistake i did in life was to forget my soccer bag and mist my final game.

Anonymous said...

A mistake a made was that I forgot to post a comment on this blog before the time it was due. So this post is late. I am trying to fix my mistake by posting this blog in class right now.
--David Maciel Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

One of the many mistakes that I made in my life was that I forgot my key inside of my house and locked myself out.

-Howard Lin

Anonymous said...

One mistake I have made was to not give my all in the task that I would complete.

-Doriona Freeman

jess.gonzalez said...

I have made many mistakes in life, and one of them is posting this first comment in the blog on time "hopefully the rest of my comments will be posted in on time"

Anonymous said...

in 2009 the biggest mistake I made was letting my job slip away. I knew I was going to be laid off soon due to the recession, and didn't bother to try and keep it. It was a great paying job. I was a little immature and didn't realize at the time how good of a job it was.

-B Garcia