Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In-Class Post for March 30

For this post, get in groups of two or three and describe three rhetorical modes Kathryn Schulz uses in the first 43 pages.


Unknown said...

Joyce Cross
Sandy Ornelas
Kathleen Rodriguez
Rhetorical Modes:
On page 25, chapter two, she describes a story about a mistake Ross Gelbspan made. She uses examples of people being wrong.
On page 6, paragraph two, she defines “fallor ergo sum”, which means: I err, therefore I am.

Anonymous said...

1. Cause and Effect
a. The possibility of error in the nuclear industry increases our anxiety.
b. “And, sometimes, we should: we’d all be happy to see mistakes permanently disappear from, say, the nuclear power industry.”

2. Exemplification
a. The scientific possibilities fill our imaginations to understand our errors.
b. “At the 1939 fair New York, for….We will welcome the new, test it thoroughly, and accept it joyously, in truly scientific fashion.”
3. Division and Classification
a. How something can be tested over and over again and still be wrong.
b. “The gist of the scientific method is that observations lead to hypothesis….”

Laura Niederauer
Madison McKenney
Grecia Solano

Anonymous said...

Roberto Picos
Fernando Barrios
Noreida Iniguez
Erika Perez
Process, Analysis-
First she talks about what is wrong so that way she is analyzing. After, she states the steps on how being wrong.
Page 1-
The conversation of the man and the woman describe what she wanted and that the man was wrong. When in reality she was wrong, because she had stated something wrong.
Page 31
She is giving us a situation, that we give different impulses. Then she supports it with different evidences.

Unknown said...

1. On page 41:
There is a compare and contrast of the Jew that only believes that there is one way to the truth, whereas the knight continues to search for the truth.
2. On page 1:
There is an example that being right is undeniable and universal, because unlike many of life’s other delights we can’t enjoy kissing anyone but we enjoy being right about almost anything with anyone.
3. On page 5: There’s an example of cause and effect, we experience our errors as deflating and embarrassing.
Christina Cecil, Elizabeth Vega, Michelle Macias

Anonymous said...

Description: Pg.5 Second paragraph
Schulz is describing error as being ignorant genuine, stupidity, unprepared, not interested, lack of preparation, and we can change that by learning from our mistakes.
Argument: Pg.8 First paragraph
Schulz argues with herself by saying “I told you so”, and she can’t refrain from being right.
Definition Pg. 10 First Paragraph
Schulz defines wrong as being a natural occurrence, and all humans make mistakes.

Jessica Gonzalez
Emanuel Garcia
Angel Velasquez

Anonymous said...

1. Narration
Her colleague Ross Gelspan is a fellow journalist that writes about environmental issues.
2. Exemplification
“Our errors are surely not such awfully solemn things,” Which is the motto of the optimistic model of wrongness.
Pg. 28
3. Cause and effect

On page 41, jew encountering Jesus taunts him for moving so slowly under the weight of the cross in response, Jesus condemns the man to run the earth until the end of time.

Eduardo Torres
Brian Escalante

Anonymous said...

“For example, we are usually more willing to entertain the possibility that we are wrong about insignificant matters than about weighty one.” (p.13)
- This exemplifies that people are more willing to be wrong about smaller issues that are less severe than the bigger ones.
“I suppose that if tomorrow a UFO landed in Pittsburg, I might experience a comparable combination of studying error and thrilling possibility.” (p.32)
- Compared to seeing a UFO now a days is like the people who discovered plants and animals hundreds of years ago with multiple errors made to discover our current knowledge and the excitement that it builds in trying to find the possible.
Page 34, first paragraph. Topic sentence is stating the argument, with supporting evidence of examples. The authors main point is to describe that an error can cause a problem when finding a philosophical truth and balance.

Evan Vizcarra
Trey Lovett
Brian Martinez

Anonymous said...

Eduardo Figueroa
Freddy Soza
Ivan Matip

Pg. 12
Compare and Contrast: Compares losing car keys to the search for WMD’s. The author states that they are not alike errors that cannot be categorized as the same magnitude.
Pg. 7
Exemplification: In dealing with errors the author gives examples of how different people deal with mistakes. Penitence and purification in Catholicism and Judaism, twelve step programs, and the criminal justice system are what people go through after making a mistake to insure they don’t do it again.
Pg. 19
Narration: Tells the story of how Sigmund Freud could not remember a patient he had visited with only six months before. He had diagnosed her with hysteria but she actually had abdominal cancer.

Anonymous said...

David Maciel Gonzalez
Beatriz Dominguez
Yanika Clay
Eng 110

Exemplification – “‘ You should interview me, I’m wrong all the time.’ I would then ask for an example and, almost as inevitably, their brows would furrow, they would fall silent, and after a while, which some puzzlement, they would admit to drawing a blank” (Schulz 20).

Description – “…fallibility is something like morality…” (Schulz 6).

Division and Classification – “Instead, it is distributed across an extremely diverse set of disciplines: philosophy, psychology, behavioral economics, law, medicine, technology, neuroscience, political science, and the history of science, to name just a few” (Schulz 20).

Anonymous said...

Howard Lin
Greyson McDaniel
Sabrina Morales
Irene Hernandez
English 110

The author uses classification to classify wrong as being in two modes: optimistic and pessimistic. (Chapter 2, Page 28)
She gives examples about wrongness using the narrative King Lear. (Chapter 2, Page 39-40)
She also gives exemplification to explain how people enjoy about being right. (Chapter 1, Page 3)

Anonymous said...

James Wolfenstein

Nancy Flores

Curtis Fagot

English 110

Page 1: “unlike many of lifes other delights-chocolate, surfing, kissing…”
This shows the Rhetorical mode of description, as well as exemplification. Chocolate, surfing, and kissing are listed as examples of life’s delights.

Page 5, paragraph 2: Kathryn Schultz uses the rhetorical mode of argument by using a quote from Italian scientist Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Schultz uses this as an appeal to ethics.

Anonymous said...

Doriona Freeman
Vera Nard
Leticia Orozco
Maria Bravo

Reading p. 1-43 Being Wrong
3 Rhetorical Modes

Exemplification: “It is about being wrong: about how we as a culture think about error, and about how we as individuals cope when our convictions collapse out from under us (5).”
• She provides examples as how people consider themselves to be wrong.
Compare and Contrast: “Given this centrality…On the contrary (5).”
• She explains how error shouldn’t be an embarrassment but should be a window for improvement.
Description: “This set of associations was…‘ideological, racial, social or chauvinistic prejudices, as well as aggressive or prevaricatory instincts (5).”
• She describes how errors are evidence of feelings.

Anonymous said...

Raul Mendoza
Khulood Hussin
Ramon Duran
Gisel Hernandez

Rhetorical Nodes
1 Description The Wandering Jew how Schulz describes how the Jew made fun of Jesus carry the weight of the cross so Jesus sends him to Exile. pg 41
2 Exemplification The wandering Jew was an example of being wrong by making fun of Jesus. pg 41
3 Cause and Effect the Wandering Jew making fun of Jesus carrying the cross and Jesus exiles him until the end of time. pg 41

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Santos
Gladys Mayra Delgado
Dominica Martinez

Exemplification: She starts on page 25 in the first paragraph with an example of her friend Ross Gelpsepan that has committed an error, by publishing an incorrect statement about a speaker.
Narration: On page 25 in the first paragraph, she implements the narrative of her friend Ross to explain an error.
Compare and Contrast: On page 3 paragraph 1, the author states: “We can’t enjoy kissing just anyone, but we can relish being right about almost anything.” She compares enjoying or not enjoying a kiss and the constant need to always be right.

Anonymous said...

1. Narration (pg.5) - The feelings of getting a graded term paper that has multiple errors. The feeling towards the red ink on the paper as a nuisance or as a nightmare.
2. Compare and Contrast (pg.5) - Giving a comparison of being wrong towards a graded term paper that has mistakes on it.
3. Exemplification (pg.28) – Explains that error is abnormal and gives an example of a person named William James who has a prescription for error: “a certain lightness of heart”.
-- M. Gomez
-- C. Buccat

Anonymous said...

Uber Garcia Jr
Gabriel Becerra
Erik Figueroa
Page 1:” Unlike many of life’s other delights –chocolate, surfing, kissing- it does not enjoy any mainline access to our biochemistry: to appetites, our adrenal glands, our limbic systems, and our swoony hearts.”
RM: compare and contrast: it is a comparison between what we enjoy in life, and are good feelings we have.
Page39: “however when a person thinks his wife, who is enjoyed by many, to be an ever faithful Penelope he is not called insane at all”
RM: Narration: it’s telling a story of a wife being unfaithful.
Page 38: “If dreams and drugs states create acute but temporary alternation in our understanding of reality the acute the ongoing version is insanity.”
RM: cause and effect: its explaining how drugs create an alternation in our mind.

Anonymous said...


three rhetorical modes Kathryn Schultz uses:
1. cause & effect, "And, sometimes, we should: we’d all be happy to see mistakes permanently disappear from, say, the nuclear power industry." (8)
2. process analysis, first Schulz tells us her oppinion on being wrong, then she states the steps on how a person could be wrong. Pg 5
3. Defintion, Shultz gives us a clear defintion of wrong. She defines wrong as being a nature occurrence, and that all human beings make them. Pg. 10